英语"666" 生活职场胜一筹
时间:2007-03-21 00:00:00 作者:平和学员
简述 :为了通知大家杭州平和英语分校的成立,我给大家写了一封信,仅两天,就收到许多回复。信中的真诚一扫杭州冬天的清冷,大家的肯定带给坚守在杭州第一线的平和人无限力量与感动!大家温馨的祝福,属于所有平和人,属于所有爱惜平和的人。平和需要平和人不断努力和发展!请大家继续关注我们、指正我们,在平和用英语架起的舞台上,伴着和谐的旋律,共舞一曲!
My dear teacher:
Thank you very much! Hope everything of yours is ok! I will go to study in GLV when l is free.
——John cao
Happy new year!
This morning, I'm so happy and surprise to receive your letter! When the fist sight of your sweet name " Pearl ", your lovely face appeared in my mind. I am so appreciate you. It's you who open my mouth to speak English. After I leaved GLV school, I have never forgotten you and studied English. Now, I study English in the Internet every day. It's also you who help me to build up self-confidence and self-study power. It's will be great to keep contact with you in 2007!
——May Wang
Congratulation for GLV HangZhou.!
——Benny Wang (Wrigley Guangzhou China)
Nice to receive your mail! I am so excited when I know that we will have a party in NB, really! So exciting! I will be there on 28th! See you!
Happy New Year!
——Emma Yu
Sincerely hope GLV develops to success! That's a good memory for me to study in Zhuhai before! ^O^
Congratulations! Thanks for telling me such a great news! I might make a visit to new glv because I'll learn interpretation course in Shanghai for the whole Feb. and it's nearby. Let me think about being a 会长 in Baotou, sounds like fun. Are you going somewhere for winter holiday? How have you been? Wish you happy and healthy.
I like being at GLV very much. That's true.
The total English learning environment can stimulate my desire of using English even stronger. And what's more important, nearly everybody there is friendly. Yeah. Maybe it's because everyone's goal is quite simple, just for learning English. I don't have to suffer from the hideous competition and sophistication that make no sense for me at all, which boost my preference for GLV's atmosphere. I like greeting to the others smilingly every day.
Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to coming back my favorite GLV again!
I m so glad to got your letter which came from another family PINGHE LANGUE VILLAGE, our family is becoming bigger and bigger, it's so good! I wish more people can join us; more students can be help in our family!
谢谢你的邮件。我也是一名曾经在平和学习过的学生( 2005 年底在平和学习 10 周),我的名字是: Robbie Zhou; 中文名周华平,目前我在深圳一家公司从事外贸工作,很庆幸自己有缘分和平和认识,我常对别人说这些年我最正确的决定就是去了平和学习。虽然已经离开平和一年了,可是我仍然还是很关心平和的发展,只要一有时间我就会去平和的网状站去看看最新的动态。如今看到平和看分校的消息,真的是很欣慰,很振奋!记得我们离开平和的最后一个星期,校长平在我们的欢送会上讲话时问到有多少人是从深圳来平和学习是,至少有 7 成人举起了手,于是我很大胆的和平校长开起了玩笑,说平和应该把学校开在深圳才对,当时所有人都笑了,都点头称是,当然那只是玩笑而已。想不到现在杭州分校真的开了起来。当我看到这个消息的第一反应就是希望有机会为平和去做点什么!我这么讲并不是想表明我是怎么伟大,而是在平和学习的经历给我留下了深刻的印象,我很喜欢那样的生活;喜欢所有同学老师那样亲密无间,没有任何距离感的气氛。我也常和我的同事说,那时我到深圳以后最快乐的三个月。
一个对平和有着深厚感情的学员 周华平
一帆风顺 ! 二龙腾飞 ! 三羊开泰 ! 四季平安 ! 五福临门 ! 六六大顺 ! 七星高照 ! 八方来财 ! 九九同心 ! 十全十美 ! 百事亨通 ! 千事吉祥 ! 万事如意 !
已收到,谢谢您的来信,在 GLV 的日子让我觉得非常美好, 3Q
我是 Richie, 来自广州 . 我想在广州组织一个平和校友会 , 请提供详细信息 .
祝创办杭州和平英语分校圆满成功 ! 全体工作人员身体健康 ! 工作顺利 !