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A Memorable Weekend

时间:2009-03-09 00:00:00  作者:Ada Lee

简述 :平和英语的“随行翻译”志愿者在参加完22国领事珠海植树活动后,用日记记录了他们此次活动的不同感受。

A Memorable Weekend   

Ada Lee


    Last Thursday I was told from the AA’s office that I can be as a volunteer to attend the planting trees’ ceremony with VIPs. Also, I was informed from the government officer that I would take care of the Deputy consul-General and his wife , whom are from the consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Guangzhou.

    On Saturday morning, we volunteers as scheduled to get together in GLV’s  main hall at 9:40 am, and then got on the bus to the BinHai Park .We did a lot of  preparation work ,such as carrying the tools to the right position ,preparing the water and gloves ,etc before the VIP’s came.

    Soon I found them easily, because they took pictures for the tree. I went straight found to them, and confirmed they were the people. I want to find to .And I briefly introduced myself to them and explained the purpose I came over here was to help them to plant the tree .Actually they were very surprised when I said “hello” using German to them. The couple finished planting the tree very quickly. As requested, I took many pictures for them when they were planting the tree.

    Fortunately, the couple asked the government’s photographer to take a picture with me. I felt very excited when I heard of this. In fact, it is my honor to have taken pictures with them. Finally, the Deputy consul- General gave me his name card ,and  told me if I need and help from him, just contact him .His wife also was kind to me and told me and told me that I can contact her when I am in Guangzhou.

    It is m honor the first time a volunteer to serve the VIP. I have leant a lot of from this experience. I believe I will continue to be as a volunteer in the future. What a wonderful and memorable day I had spent! I will always keep it in my mind.

平和英语“随行翻译”Ada Lee与德国领事在刚栽种完的领事林里合影



英语"666" 生活职场胜一筹


