平和英语村 >  村干货


时间:2018-02-13 10:41:51  作者:Frank





1. 恭喜发财

“Wishing you wealth and prosperity.”

 Wealth: 财富

 Prosperity: 繁荣、兴旺

2. 财源广进

“May wealth come pouring in.”

俚语: Rolling in the dough

3. 和气生财

“May harmony bring wealth.”

4. 金玉满堂

“May your gold and jade fill the halls.”

5. 一本万利

“Wishing you huge profits from a small investment.”

6. 招财进宝

“May you find wealth and treasure.”

7. 大吉大利

“May you have great luck and profit.”

8. 年年有余

“May you have abundance every year.”

Progress and success: 步步高升

9. 事业有成

“May your career take off.”

10. 升官发财

“May you receive a promotion and a raise.”

11. 生意兴隆

“May your business flourish.”


“May your studies improve.”

13. 步步高升

“May every step take you higher.”

14. 新年进步

“May the New Year bring better things.

Happiness, Health and Peace: 五福临门

15. 心想事成

“May all your hopes, dreams, wishes all come true.”

16. 万事如意

“May everything goes smoothly.”

17. 笑口常开

“Wishing you a year full of laughers and smiles.”

18. 五福临门

“May the five blessings come to you.”

19. 身体健康

“Wishing you good health.”

20. 竹报平安

“May you hear tidings of peace.”


英语"666" 生活职场胜一筹


