平和英语村 >  平和故事


时间:2012-11-29 16:39:59  作者:白格凤Lucy





1.       Lucy: It was 2009 when you first came to GLV as an English teacher. Time flies, you’ve been        teaching in GLV for 3 years. In this case, what do you think has taken place greatly in GLV?



Joanne: it used to have more school outings which both teachers and students can join together to go somewhere else to have picnics or climb mountains, something like that. But we still have sports activities like badminton and visiting the Yuan Ming garden. During these relaxing moments, we can talk and do something interesting which leaves us a lot of good memories.

Besides that GLV has set up all kinds of courses recently suitable for different people arranged from ages, English levels, works, and personal requirement. Like the youth weekend program, adult weekend program and so on.

As far as I am concerned, one of the most remarkable changes are the classrooms are all better equipped than before. Each one has huge TV and projector. Probably it is because we have more and more students as the foreign trade is growing rapidly and people need English to talk to their clients from the other countries.

Another change is that we are now offering one-to-one classes. I hope we continue to develop these classes because they are a very effective way to study English.




2.       Lucy: you are such a teacher with passion. Once people talk to you, your high emotion would stimulate their inspiration to talk to you in English. As for that, could you please tell me the tricks to let your students handle English well in a short time? Which part do you focus on the most, listening, speaking, reading or writing?


Joanne: First of all, they (students) should be realistic. Some of the students think they can learn English completely in two weeks which is completely the wrong idea. They should be patient, talk more and communicate with the others in English as often as possible. In my class, I would always tell the students not to pay all attention to their GLV English levels because you can always learn something no matter which level you are in. you would make progress as you keep studying English. It is just a matter of time. Don’t be upset and worry too much about your English level.

In my opinion, listening and speaking skills are keys in my class because people lack them their daily lives. Most people gain good reading and writing skills during several years of studying in colleges while they are not good at reading and speaking, because they don’t have chances to practice them every day.



3.       Lucy: I admire you so much since you acquire Italian and Chinese at the same time. I know it is quite hard for you as a person who speaks English as your first language to learn them both while one is from the east and the other comes from the west. How can you handle them? As a language teacher with full of language learning experience, please show us some short cuts to gain a new language! Did you confront any difficulties while learning them?


Joanne: To be honest, I lost most of my Italian. But I am sure I would get it back if I stayed in Italy, since I would have the Italian only environment. Obviously my Chinese is better than my Italian now, because I live in China. Similarly, GLV is the best place to study pure English while you are staying in China, because Chinese is not allowed in GLV. People talk in English and think in English.

I used to have a dorm mate who came from South Korea with a low level of English. We could barely talk to each other in English. We used Chinese which gave me a chance to practice my Chinese in my college time in TianJin, China.

After several years, I met my Chinese boyfriend whose English level is around GLV level 1 ,which means we speak Chinese all the time. That’s the main reason why I have better Chinese skills.(laughing)   

 GLV creates an English environment for students so that students can have a short cut to learn English.

As for the difficulties while learning another language, I have encountered many difficulties for sure. Take listening for example, when I first came to zhuhai, China, I thought I could handle Chinese quite well. But the truth is, I can’t always understand them because they have different strong local accents which confuse me all the time. People speak fast in Chinese, and I have no idea what they are going to say next, Which made me feel bad at first. And I always forget the tones.(laughing) .

when I enter the shop every time, the shopkeeper may talk to me in English is capable of, but actually I really want to talk to them in Chinese. But they just think I am a foreigner who can’t speak Chinese which makes me feel frustrated at times.

The most important thing while studying English is that patience. Do not be upset and do not feel embarrassment if you can’t understand others. It is inevitable, but it will get easier if you persevere.







4.       Lucy: How do you get along well with the foreigners while you are staying in a country which is completely different from yours, like culture shock and you are outstanding while standing with the Chinese?


Joanne: After living here for a few years, I have learnt how to balance my English friends and Chinese friends. I am glad to have friends from both sides which give me new ideas about things, and think in different ways, Chinese way and the western way.

I spend some time with my boyfriend’s family, during that time, I will talk to them in Chinese which it is good practice for me since they create a perfect Chinese only environment. But I would start to miss my English friends after I staying with my Chinese family for one week. Then I would probably go and visit them time from time. I do consider myself part Chinese, and my hometown is in zhuhai.(laughing). I felt bad when people I don’t know staried at me and shouted “hello” at first, but now I am just getting used to it. I figured out that I should be tolerant towards them. They are just curious about my appearance since we look different.

Speaking of the culture shock, I suffered from it for a long time. It takes years to overcome it. Just be positive. Do not let things bring you down. Especially during language learning, it is a long and slow process.


5.       Lucy: At last, any good advice to your students who want to study English.(books, movies)


Joanne: I do know a lot of ways that can help the student improve their English. Such as

1)       chat with English speakers online via skype, there are two languages involved in your conversation , Chinese and English. So we call it language exchange. 20 minutes in English and 20 minutes in Chinese, sounds fair!(laughing)

2)       To keep on reading the interesting English stories, listening to English music and watching English movies. To feel for English, keep using English and find every means to speak in English!

3)       Be smart when you go to the bookstore to purchase some English textbooks, because it would be easy to buy a bad quality book to mislead your English study. I have been to the underground bookstores in Gongbei many times and I find out the English textbooks there are bad quality and often have spelling problems. So before you pay for the books, you might want to find out who the publisher is. Like Oxford and Cambridge universities are good publishers which mean the books are good quality.

4)       There is another rule to study English well. Please keep the rule in mind, which is studying English 20 minutes a day for a long time is much better than seven hours in one go once a week. It is easier to maintain a 20 minutes-a-day habit over a long period of time. So you are less likely to give up in the long run. Just make progress little by little, step by step and don’t give up!

5)       Travelling to English-speaking countries might do you the trick if you get the money and time.

I can completely understand what the language beginners feel, because I have the same language learning experience which I can share with the students whenever they come to me and ask.


1、  利用SKYPE和英语为母语的人交流,在你们的对话中会出现两种不同的语言,汉语和英语。我们可以把它称之为语言交换。用20分钟交流英语,20分钟交流汉语,听起来很公平(笑)。

2、  坚持阅读有趣的英语小故事,听英语音乐和看英语电影,坚持和感受运用英语,寻找各种方式学习英语。

3、  当去买一些英语练习册时要小心,因为很可能因为练习册上的错误而误导你。我去过很多次拱北地下书诚,发现练习册上出现过很多的拼写错误,所以在决定买下来之前,要看清楚出版社是哪里的,例如,牛津和剑桥大学出版社的,就是比较好的。

4、  要学习好英语,还需要紧记一点,就是要坚持,20分钟每天学习英语,坚持很久比一天7小时的英语学习,坚持几天要好。你很容易就会放弃学习英语。还是慢慢地进步,一步一步来,千万不要放弃!

5、  如果有充足时间,大可去西方国家旅游。)









英语"666" 生活职场胜一筹


