平和英语村 >  村干货


时间:2018-03-07 17:41:39  作者:Myron

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1.     Cut me some slack 让我缓缓

释义:to give somebody a break

例句: I was extremely busy last week. Cut me some slack and I’ll finish the reporter by tomorrow morning. 我上周真的超级忙,让我缓缓,明天一早我就交报告。


2.     By the skin of your teeth. 差点失败,侥幸成功

释义:when you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed/ nearly fail

例句: I hadn’t studied much, but passed the test by the skin of my teeth.. 我没有怎么复习,但考试却侥幸通过了。


3.     Once in a blue moon 很少,偶尔

释义:when something rarely ever happens

例句:We used to see him all the time, but now he visits us once in a blue moon.过去我总是看到他, 但他现在很少拜访我们。


4.     Go down in flames 急转直下

释义:to end or fail suddenly and spectacularly

例句:She’d wanted to become Managing Director, but her career went down in flame when they found out she’d been leaking information to our competitors. 她本有望成为总经理,但后来大家发现她竟然向竞争对手泄露商业机密,于是她的职场之路就急转直下了。


5.     Tar someone with the same brush 被认为是一路货色,被看成一丘之嗠

释义:to believe that someone has same bad qualities as others in a group.

例句:I don’t think much of that band, but the singer shouldn’t be tarred with the same brush. She’s got a fantastic voice..我觉得那个乐队不怎么样,但我不能就此认为那歌手也是一路货色,她的声音真的很好。


6.     Come out swinging 相互攻击

释义:to be confrontational and strongly defend yourself at the beginning of a debate.

例句:Our local MP came out swinging against the current leadership and demanded that the government resign. 我们当地议员对现有领导人发起攻击,并要求其辞去政府职位。


7.     Hang in there 耐心等待

释义:wait and be patient

例句:I know you’d really like to call him, but I don’t think that’s the right thing to do now. Just hang in there and he will call you. 我知道你真的很爱给他打电话,但这真的不是你现在该做的事情。耐心等一下,他会打给你的。


8.     Shoot from the hip 说话直接

释义:to speak directly

例句:if you want to get on well with your boss, try not to shoot from the hip next time. You don’t want to offend him, do you ? 如果你想和老板好好相处,下次说话就不要那么直接,你可不想冒犯到老板吧?


9.     Go the extra mile 付出额外的努力

释义:to make a special effort / Try very hard to achieve your goal

例句:if you want to become proficient in English, you’ll have to go the extra mile and start learning idioms. 如果你想精通英语,那么就要付出额外的努力,学点习语吧。


10.  Running on fumes  身体透支

释义:to continue to stay awake when feeling exhausted

例句:I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go home now. I haven’t slept for twenty hours and I’m running on fumes. 不好意思,我真的得回家了。我已经有20个小时没睡了,真的快撑不住了。


11.  Sold me out 泄密,出卖

释义:to snitch on someone, or let their secret out

例句:I asked you to keep it to yourself! I can’t believe you sold me out , I trusted you ! 我让你替我保密的!真不相信你居然会出卖我,我那么信任你!


12.  You sold me (on something) 你说服我了。

释义: you convinced me of something, because you were persuasive.

例句:Okyou’ve sold me. I’ll go to the match with you. 好吧,你说服我了,我会配合你的。 


英语"666" 生活职场胜一筹


