英语"666" 生活职场胜一筹
时间:2018-09-27 18:34:51 作者:平和英语村
外国人喜欢用 tentative 的语气。所谓 tentative 语气,字面上的意思就是「 试探性 」的语气,也就是不要把话说死,给自己留一点余地。注意 tentative 不等于 uncertain 的语气,注意和 maybe 这种语气区分开来。比如多用 seem, appear, sound, look 这样的词。
∎ This is wrong. 改成 This seems to be wrong.
∎ We don't have other option. 改成 It seems we don't have other option.
中国人滥用 maybe,不管什么情况都用 maybe,给人一种毫无把握的感觉。在表示有很可能的时候,老外都用 probably。maybe 是比较不确定。如果想表示“我很可能是错的用 ” I'm probably wrong. 给别人提供建议时,不要用 should,也不要 you'd better,而是用 It would be better.
问别人你要东西 / 信息时,用 May I have...? 而不要 Could you give me?
∎ What's your name ? -------> May I have your name ?
∎ Could you send me the drawing today ? -------> May I have the drawing today ?
∎ Could I have a minute / moment of your time ?(非常非常礼貌,销售员问法)
∎ Do you have a minute / moment ?(一般礼貌,同事朋友之间问法)
∎ Could you come out ? -------> Could I have a moment ( for myself ) ?
问别人是否可以做一件事时,用 Is it possible that ... 比Could you ... 更礼貌
∎ Could you change the design ? -------> Is it possible for you to change the design ?
∎ Could you call me tomorrow ? -------> Is it possible for you to call tomorrow ?
请别人帮忙做一件事时,在前面加 ( by ) any chance,意思是如果有时间 / 有机会,很委婉。
∎ By any chance, could you help check the data? (有时间可不可以帮忙看看数据?)
你很没耐心 / 强词夺理 / 无理取闹
∎ You are impatient / argumentative / unreasonable.
∎ You are being impatient / argumentative / unreasonable.
说前者会得罪很多人,因为你用一个 are 就把别人完全说死了,正常的说法是用 being,这样表示某时某刻这个人处于的状态,不表示你把他彻底说死。
∎ We need to do this as soon as possible.
∎ We need to be doing this as soon as possible.
用 would like 代替 want 吧。中国人用 want 比较多,但是 want 稍微带要求的意思,用 would like 就委婉一点。
∎ I want to have a meeting with you.
∎ I'd like to have a meeting with you.
用过去式表示一种委婉语气。口语中经常用过去式表示一种委婉语气,比如 I wanted, I thought, I was thinking, I was wondering, I was hoping 其实说话留下余地,因为这是表示过去的状态,没有说明现在的状况,从而形成一种委婉。
很多人误以为 thought 就是"以为”用来表示过去的错误想法,其实不是,只是表示过去的状况,不一定是和现在相反。thought 一样可以理解成 “认为”.
慎用 please。
please 有时候稍微带一点要求命令的语气,特别是在给客户或者老板写邮件请求某件事,把 please 替换成疑问句。
∎ Please reply to me by today. - Could you reply to me by today?
而以下情况下用 please 就没问题,因为有 let me
∎ Please let me know your feedback.
用 let, allow 更礼貌
∎ Please tell me your feedback. - Please let me know your feedback.
∎ I want to make a proposal. - Please allow me to make a proposal.