平和英语村 >  村干货


时间:2024-04-26 09:48:50  作者:Elena


Last weekend, Jiang Pengju, deputy mayor of Changzhou city,attended a local concert and posted a live video on his personal Douyin account. As of now, the video has garnered over 410,000 likes.


      4月20日晚,凤凰传奇“吉祥如意” 2024巡回演唱会首站在常州奥体中心体育场开唱。据相关售票平台数据,20日、21日两场演唱会关注度超100万,门票开售即空。

The first stop of the Phoenix Legend's "Good Fortune and Auspiciousness" 2024 tour kicked off at the Changzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium on Saturday.


According to data from relevant ticketing platforms, both concerts on the 20th and 21st attracted over one million views, with tickets selling out immediately upon release.




       22日,澎湃新闻从常州市副市长蒋鹏举本人处证实,抖音账号@蒋鹏举 确实是他的个人账号。从所发视频看,蒋鹏举坐在内场观众席的中后场。

On Monday, according to The Paper, it was confirmed from Jiang Pengju, deputy mayor of Changzhou city, that the Douyin account @Jiang Pengju was indeed his personal account. From the videos posted, Jiang Pengju is seen seated in the middle to rear section of the audience seating area.







According to the "Changzhou Release" video account, in response to feedback from netizens about insufficient restroom facilities, relevant authorities promptly made improvements. Additional rows of temporary toilets were installed at the concert venue on Sunday evening, along with extra handwashing stations. 


Additionally, for those who may have exhausted their energy from the excitement, there was also a "Love Refueling Station" on-site providing bottled water.






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