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商务英语学习: 广告准备

时间:2019-10-17 11:10:29  作者:Myron








A: We want to achieve the market goal with the right media.




B: Certainly. We've done some tactical planning already. We think we've come up with a goodplan. 




A: What media do you plan to use?




B: Well, taking into account the image you want to project, we've asked our copywriters toprepare copy for computer magazines and the Internet first. 




A: So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computerusers. 




B: Yes. We'll also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition. 




A: Will there be any direct mail? 




B: No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers. 




A: Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I'll pitch it to the higher-ups. 




B: Great. We'll get started right away. 






take account of something;take something into account: to consider particular facts, circumstances, etc. when making a decision about something 考虑到;顾及


The company takes account of environmental issues wherever possible. 只要有可能,这家公司总是尽量考虑到环境问题.


Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results. 除考试结果外,课程作业也要计入成绩.


The defendant asked for a number of other offences to be taken into account. 被告要求考虑其他一些罪行.


Project: to present somebody/something/yourself to other people in a particular way, especially one that gives a good impression 展现;表现;确立(好印象) 


They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company. 他们就如何加强树立公司的形象征询意见.


She projects an air of calm self-confidence. 她表现出镇定自若的神态.


He projected himself as a man worth listening to. 他装成很有见地的样子.


Brand recognition: 品牌认同,品牌认知,品牌识别


Will there be any direct mail? 


'direct mail'就是"直接邮寄的广告"的意思. Advertisements that are sent to people throughthe post/mail.


Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I'll pitch it to the higher-ups. 


Pitch: to try to persuade somebody to buy something, to give you something or tomake a business deal with you 推销;争取支持(或生意等) 


Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company's newest products. 销售代表前往日本推销本公司的最新产品.


We were pitching against a much larger company for the contract. 我们在与一家比我们大得多的公司竞争这项合同.


'higher-up '就是上级,大人物的意思. 


A higher-up is an important person who has a lot of authority and influence. 









英语"666" 生活职场胜一筹


